Welcome to my personal Virtual Laboratory.
Here I'm going to experiment, develop and share with other friends some open ICT projects,
testing the latest, state-of-the-art Web technologies. Please give me some time to enhance the framework
A free, up-to-date digital "Lemmario" of the Italian language, suitable for use with on-line word search and check, automated adjudicator and bots for Scrabble and other wordgames.
A specific version will be edited following the official Scrabble rules in Italy for valid words.
This search is in collaboration with Federazione Italiana Gioco Scrabble
At the moment, we are working on the following data sources:
Morph-it! - A free morphological lexicon for the Italian Language by Marco Baroni (marco.baroni@unitn.it)and Eros Zanchetta (eros@sslmit.unibo.it)
the ZINGA files on ISC - Internet Scrabble Club
CoLFIS - Corpus e Lessico di Frequenza dell'Italiano Scritto (CNR)
The List of Italian Words - compiled by Luigi M Bianchi
Toronto, Canada - First edition (revised) May 1994
Thesaurus and "Dizionario italiano" from the open source project "Linguistico"
Current (second) edition, named MISC09, used by the wordgame WABBLE.ORG
A shortlist, about five-thousand words, has been built for the MILANESE (Western Lombard) too, historically based on the Cletto Arrighi- Hoepli dictionary. Letter distribution for a Scrabble set on study.
A smart Scrabble player robot, using specific heuristics for the Italian language version.
A good Scrabble player strategy involves Decision-Making under uncertainty.
At the moment, I'm working using some open source software as Quackle and a recent paper presented at the IJCAI '07 conference held in Hyderabad, India
Opponent Modeling in Scrabble
Mark Richards and Eyal Amir
Computer Science Department, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Metalanguages for the Web
Experimenting mix of various languages and metalanguages in augmented web templates using well-known standard framework. R*-template experiences on Twitter.