A WebGL experiment... and Merry Christmas 
Your WebGL advent calendar featuring everyday
a new experiment made with love by digital artists.

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Just installed InstantReality 2.3.0 
I've installed the release of version 2.3.0 of InstantReality , featuring LAS and BinaryGeometry loaders, a licensable OpenJT loader (you can already load JT files and try it out) and a new texture node to load Polynomial Texture Maps. More importantly however, they welcome the Leap Motion and Oculus Rift to our supported hardware family. On Windows, you can also access the updated OpenNI and NiTE 2.0 node, NI2.

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Web Hosting troubles.. 
Yesterday morning my web hosting provider (Aruba) had serious troubles in his server farm, leaving my domain (and many others) in a total blackout including website, blog and mailboxes unreachable.
A short outage reminded me that our virtual "enchanted castle" on Internet is still linked to power supply and trivial hardware

(and that I'd better to make regular backups of all this stuff @ home in a removable media!).

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