A Search Engine Historic retrospective 
It seems light years away when Sergey Brin and Lawrence Page worked on their Backrub @ Stanford, putting the bases for their Google enterprise.

The Anatomy of a Large-Scale Hypertextual Web Search Engine
is the description of their Google prototype.

At that time, Indexing and collecting web resources was in its early days. No deep user profiling, no search content-oriented ads, and so on.

I go back to the Archive to find the barebone frontend of these old knowledge access points, surpassing crawlers, spiders, and glorious directories.

Here are:

The Yahoo early experience in 1996

And (at that time) my favourite Altavista, of course.

The first Google home page in 1998

I remember the first 37 search engines found by 37.com:

altavista, yahoo, infoseek, excite, hotbot, mozilla, webcrawler, planetsearch, google, huskysearch, looksmart, lycos, magellan, snap, yahooligans, healthfinder, intelihealth, dictionary, pcgame, filez, cnn, newsindex, encyclopedia, lawcrawler, euroseek, euroferret, webwombat, ananzi, metacrawler, cyber411, highway61, miningco, dejanews, rex, whatuseek, savvysearch, northernlight

It was really (web) Space 1999!

And then I remember some pioneers of advanced web robots and metasearch tecniques at the beginning of this millennium..

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