4th Workshop on Applications of Software Agents - WASA 2014 
Another interesting event in Agent Technology:

4th Workshop on Applications of Software Agents - WASA 2014

Thessaloniki, Greece, June 2-4, 2014
held in conjunction with
4th International Conference on Web Intelligence, Mining and Semantics WIMS 2014

Workshop description

Software agent technologies reached a certain level of maturity that allows development of applications spanning from lab prototypes to mature real-life systems, in domains that could have not been imagined before. Furthermore, software agent technologies proved their usefulness in synergy with methods of intelligent computing and artificial intelligence.

The aim of the WASA series of workshops is to contribute to the advancement of technologies and applications of software agents' with a special interest in intelligent computing including, but not limited to reasoning, semantics, pattern recognition, learning and cognition, etc.

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Improving moving block railway system using fuzzy multi-agent specification language 
Author: Khan, Sher Afzal Zafar, Nazir Ahmad
Title: Improving moving block railway system using fuzzy multi-agent specification language
Journal name: International Journal of Innovative Computing Information and Control (ERA 2012 Listed)

Railway interlocking system is a distributed, safety, monetary and environmentally critical system and its failure may cause the loss of human life, severe injuries, loss of money and environmental damages. The complexity of this system requires formal modeling and step by step refinement for its construction and development. The formal specification-based languages, such as VDM, Z-notation and RAISE, have been used for its modeling using crisp (two-valued logic) theory. However, due to the continuous and inexact features, like speed, weight and moving block (breaking distance including length of a train), fuzzy distributed multi-agent approaches are required to capture the inexactness and uncertainty present in the existing system. In order to get a fuzzy distributed multi-agent environment, we have extended the Object-Z towards the fuzzy multi-agent specification language (FMASL) using an integration of fuzzy logic, multi-agent systems (MAS) and Object-Z to be applied for the railway interlocking system. Initially, our extended approach is applied for the specification of railway crossing, a critical component of interlocking system. We have supposed that a train is an autonomous intelligent agent and has fuzzy sub-agents: a moving block and a crossing intelligent agents.

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static pages update 
I've done a general update of my static pages (first group of Links in the right column)

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Multi-agent application for railways 
Here is an interesting study, presented at the 8th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS 2009) in Budapest.

This paper from Netherland describes the work about a novel real-world socio-technical research system for the purpose of rescheduling train drivers in the event of disruptions. The research system is structured according to the Actor-Agent paradigm: here agents assist in rescheduling tasks of train drivers.

Abbink, E.J.W., Mobach, D.G.A., Fioole, P.J., Kroon, L.G., van der Heijden, E.H.T., Wijngaards, N.J.E.,
Actor-Agent Application for Train Driver Rescheduling,
Proc. of 8th Int. Conf. on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS 2009),
Decker, Sichman, Sierra, and Castelfranchi (eds.), May, 10–15, 2009, Budapest, Hungary.

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ITS 2009 topics @ Stockholm 
Let's have a look at the ITS World congress 2009 topics for technical and scientific papers. Comparing to earlier ITS meetings, the list provides a more comprehensive view, with an interdisciplinary approach; not only it encompasses state-of-the-art information on a wide range of transportation topics, but it also raises and discusses issues that provide direction for the future.
Of course, ICT plays always a key role.

1.ITS for transport and traffic managers
1. Demand management and access control
2. Traffic management
3. Public transport management
4. Traffic prediction
5. Incident and event management
6. Traffic modelling and simulation
7. Parking management

2.ITS for travellers and users
1. Connected traveller services
2. Infotainment and mobility services
3. Location based services
4. Navigation and positioning
5. Traveller information, In-Vehicle Information Systems (IVIS)
6. Multimodal information
7. ITS for public transport

3.ITS for drivers
1. Advanced Driver Assistance Systems(ADAS) /Intelligent Vehicle Systems (IVS)
2. eSafety
3. Human Machine Interaction
4. Nomadic devices
5. Speed advice/management and driver impairments
6. Cooperative services

4.ITS for freight and logistics
1. Urban logistics
2. Intermodal transport and logistics
3. International transport corridors (incl.megatrucks)
4. Dangerous goods management
5. Freight and fleet management
6. Standardised data exchange
7. Tracking and tracing

5.ITS addressing societal challenges
1. ITS for vulnerable users
2. ITS for children, elderly and disabled
3. ITS privacy and liability
4. ITS against social exclusion
5. ITS for enforcement
6. ITS for disaster management
7. ITS for security

6.ITS infrastructure
1. Data collection and aggregation
2. Digital maps
3. Network information maintenance and update
4. Cooperative vehicle infrastructure systems
5. Infrastructure use charging
6. Communication systems
7. Data exchange
8. ITS as a critical infrastructure

7.ITS deployment challenges
1. Business cases and policy support
2. ITS costs, impact and benefits
3. Standardisation and interoperability
4. Incentive programmes
5. Field operational tests
6. Public procurement
7. Awareness raising, education and training
8. Public-private partnerships
9. eTransactions (payment, booking, ticketing, tolling, cross borders)

8.ITS for our climate
1. Politics and control mechanisms
2. Drivers and travellers perspectives
3. Controlling with focus on climate
4. ITS deployment for a better climate
5. Green traffic management
6. Green navigation
7. Green transport and logistics

As a leading country in ITS deployment, Sweden has arranged a variety of project showcases and demonstrations, and has organised technical visits to locations of interest to the worldwide ITS community.
Stockholm will be a checkpoint for new ideas, together with known studies and transportation models that could be now applied on real implementations, leveraging mature technologies; more powerful tools can be designed and engineered into system solutions in order to provide stable and effective impacts on transportation systems.

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