With their minimal footprint, smaller than one liter capacity box, you can mount it at the back of your monitor, or just put beside it.
Low energy consumption with a small external power supply, some fast USB 3.x, DDR4 2666 MHz RAM, M.2 / NVMe Solid State Disk, UHD 4K graphics with one or two HDMI port. Some embed a practical memory card reader too.
They're not hardware monsters for gaming, but nevertheless are a good compromise between expensive AIO and traditional solutions,
Generally silent (some of them even fanless), they are the generalized evolution of the well estabilished Intel NUC concept.
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It seems light years away when Sergey Brin and Lawrence Page worked on their Backrub @ Stanford, putting the bases for their Google enterprise.
The Anatomy of a Large-Scale Hypertextual Web Search Engine is the description of their Google prototype.
At that time, Indexing and collecting web resources was in its early days. No deep user profiling, no search content-oriented ads, and so on.
I go back to the Archive to find the barebone frontend of these old knowledge access points, surpassing crawlers, spiders, and glorious directories.
Here are:
The Yahoo early experience in 1996
And (at that time) my favourite Altavista, of course.
The first Google home page in 1998
I remember the first 37 search engines found by 37.com:
altavista, yahoo, infoseek, excite, hotbot, mozilla, webcrawler, planetsearch, google, huskysearch, looksmart, lycos, magellan, snap, yahooligans, healthfinder, intelihealth, dictionary, pcgame, filez, cnn, newsindex, encyclopedia, lawcrawler, euroseek, euroferret, webwombat, ananzi, metacrawler, cyber411, highway61, miningco, dejanews, rex, whatuseek, savvysearch, northernlight
It was really (web) Space 1999!
And then I remember some pioneers of advanced web robots and metasearch tecniques at the beginning of this millennium..
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Your WebGL advent calendar featuring everyday
a new experiment made with love by digital artists.

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Definitely, My favourite old fashioned time reference to adjust the watch.

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Wikimania 2016 - My short personal reportage from Esino Lario and surroundings..
Thursday 23
I stayed at the Wikimania preconference, attending to the Wikimedia sessions and the EU advocacy, thinking about digital images attributions, free panoramas, EU members and candidate members copyright laws. Some Hackaton at the Theatre's stage with a bunch of Solitude's lovers assisting in the Silence.
Friday 24
St. John Baptist holiday and Wikimania official opening. Jimmy Wales and the whole Wikipedia/Wikimedia global community had a warm welcome from the Esino Lario people. Over 1100+ people registered from over 60 countries.
Visited Villa Clotilde ant the Museum.
A long conversation with Bengt, a new friend from Wikipedia Sweden, about cross dissemination of pages in different languages and Milanese and Larian cultural heritage issues in the European context.
I've attended research and technical sessions @the Gym Palace and the Theatre.
Saturday 25
Weather isn't so fine and sunny. At ten o'clock a thunderstorm rapidly approached the venue from Switzerland and passed away. Anyway I preferred to stay in Perledo making some offline activity. Too crowded to choose and follow the right thread. :)
The Olive Oil Day is the main event of my after-noon starting from 15h.
Sunday 26
Final day: global perspectives from different solid branches of the Wikitree. After all, maybe free and wise use of images and related metadata is the New Frontier of Wiki systems. Farewell from the village Marching Band to everyone.
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