It will be a burden for cute, little Android-based smartphones.
Anyway, it's only version 1.0 and I have still some remarks on Moonlight "plugin" on Ubuntu Firefox..
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Still trying the nearly-encyclopaedic work to build and enable to online play a Lombard version of Scrabble.
Most complex wordgames like Wabble use a valid word dictionary for check, letter values and distribution and rule set adaptable, according to the multilanguage option considered.
Some early limitation to be accepted, like incomplete conjugation of verbs, following common use and banning uncritical acquisition from foreign languages, including vehicular Italian.
I'm going to adopt Classic Milanese orthography and pronounce rules.
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Yesterday morning my web hosting provider (Aruba) had serious troubles in his server farm, leaving my domain (and many others) in a total blackout including website, blog and mailboxes unreachable.
A short outage reminded me that our virtual "enchanted castle" on Internet is still linked to power supply and trivial hardware
(and that I'd better to make regular backups of all this stuff @ home in a removable media!).
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I've done a general update of my static pages (first group of Links in the right column)
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I'm on Twitter
for my short messages R*-template experiments with sets and supersets of info-tokens.
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