RDF 1.1 is a W3C Recommendation 
The RDF Working Group of W3C has published today a set of eight Resource Description Framework (RDF) Recommendations

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Discovering NXT criptocurrency 
I opened an account for Nxt (pronounced as "next"), a cryptocurrency based on Bitcoin paradigm.

Nxt uses brand new software, it’s not another fork of Bitcoin source code. Nxt is not an "altcoin" that is based on BitCoin with some alterations. It's designed to deliver many more features than just a coin.

Coins are earned solely by charging transaction fees.
Time between blocks is one minute. This increases the rate of orphaned blocks but makes it more convenient for the users.
Nxt doesn’t use so-called “scripts” aka predicates. This simplifies and accelerates transaction processing. Advanced features like multisig will be created on top of the core as 3rd party services.
It's 100% proof-of-stake,so it does not require the extensive mining systems of Proof of Work currencies like BitCoin and altcoins.

1 billion Nxt coins were generated in the first block, and no new Nxt coins will be created. Coins are not "mined" like they are with other currencies.

The client is Java code, and it's still a closed source (until January 2014) project.

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Some tests with Zimplit 
I tried a demo installation of Zimplit, the Open Source CMS for small web presence and mini-sites that can use a flat file repository.
Nice template management and simple page cloning.

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Just installed InstantReality 2.3.0 
I've installed the release of version 2.3.0 of InstantReality , featuring LAS and BinaryGeometry loaders, a licensable OpenJT loader (you can already load JT files and try it out) and a new texture node to load Polynomial Texture Maps. More importantly however, they welcome the Leap Motion and Oculus Rift to our supported hardware family. On Windows, you can also access the updated OpenNI and NiTE 2.0 node, NI2.

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4th Workshop on Applications of Software Agents - WASA 2014 
Another interesting event in Agent Technology:

4th Workshop on Applications of Software Agents - WASA 2014

Thessaloniki, Greece, June 2-4, 2014
held in conjunction with
4th International Conference on Web Intelligence, Mining and Semantics WIMS 2014

Workshop description

Software agent technologies reached a certain level of maturity that allows development of applications spanning from lab prototypes to mature real-life systems, in domains that could have not been imagined before. Furthermore, software agent technologies proved their usefulness in synergy with methods of intelligent computing and artificial intelligence.

The aim of the WASA series of workshops is to contribute to the advancement of technologies and applications of software agents' with a special interest in intelligent computing including, but not limited to reasoning, semantics, pattern recognition, learning and cognition, etc.

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