Play with Wabble! 
Are you a Scrabble fan?


Now you can play with Wabble, a Free Online Multi-Player, Ajax-Powered Word Game developed by Ryan Buterbaugh
Wabble is a word game that you can play right in your browser. No need to register, no software to download and no Java or Flash interfaces. Just type in a username and password and create or join a game.

Wabble is still in development, implementing new features.
At the moment, you can play in English, German, Catalan and Italian.

I helped Ryan to debug Wabble and I work on software localization; including coded translation, dictionaries (from the Scrabblemmario project) and playing rules for the Italian language.

Enjoy playing with Wabble! :-)

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New VirtuaLab Studies 
I opened two projects, dealing with AI & Computational Linguistics.

To be honest, Scrabblemmario is a phoenix rebirthing from an elder project. Now I have new friends support, powerful tools and more raw material to work with, so I was encouraged to make a quantum leap and restart the study.
Scarabaeus is a challenging Scrabble game bot project, involving italian language-based heuristics and uncertainty prediction.

Have a look at the updated section page to learn more about them.

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Wanna hack the Google phone? :) 
Jay Freeman, a.k.a. saurik, has managed to install Debian on a T-Mobile G1 smartphone. I wrote about it some weeks ago.

In this way, he obtained a device which is capable of running both Google's Android and the Debian install; an unrestricted OS with a huge pack of applications available, and a tweaked mobile phone platform for ant use and experiment.

I know, this is probably only for geek people, but this configuration would give you full control over your G1's filesystem and allows you to install whatever applications you might want.
Uhm, I'd like to be a German phone user!

"If you're interested in getting your hands dirty and playing with Debian-on-G1, Freeman has set up a G1-Hackers mailing list, where you can find like-minded individuals to chat with," writes Ars Technica's Erica Sadun.

Maybe this is the greatest world viral marketing campaign in ICT ever; nevertheless, the HTC Dream will be a valid base for state-of-the-art Linux OS, ARM-based, OSS, all-in-one personal system solution.

I'm already thinking about Chinese/Taiwanese industry developing low-cost G1 clones!

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BOINC - Rosetta@home promo 

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Joining the Docking@Home project! 
I joined the Docking@home project. My User ID: 2619

Docking@Home is a collaborative project that aims to accomplish both bioscience and computer science goals. From the bioscience point of view, the project aims to further knowledge of the atomic details of protein-ligand interactions and, by doing so, will search for insights into the discovery of novel pharmaceuticals. From the computer science point of view, this project aims to extend volunteer computing to enable adaptive multi-scale modeling of the docking applications: different models that represent the same phenomena in nature with different level of accuracy and resource requirements will be chosen at run-time based on results collected so far and characteristics of the protein-ligand complex. Docking@Home involves collaboration among the University of Delaware, The Scripps Research Institute (TSRI), and the University of California - Berkeley and is powered by BOINC.

Docking@Home is part of the DAPLDS project (or Dynamically Adaptive Protein-Ligand Docking System project) and is supported by the National Science Foundation (NSF).

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